About Me
BSc. in Computer Science. A software developer (focusing on web technologies), a beginner indepenedent AI/ML researcher, and a philosophy enthusiast. I'm seeking to join a strong reasaerch programme (MSc, MPhil, or Phd) and/or a research software developement team that meets and challanges my software development and research interests and skills.
As I'm still a wandering, beginner, independent research; I'm not yet comfortable pinpointing what my research interests and goals exactaly are. However, in terms of professor Yann LeCunn's taxonomy of researchers, I believe that my research goals fall somewhere in the intersection between the two groups:
(1) People who want to explain/understand learning (and perhaps intelligence) at the fundamental/theoretical level [..] (3) People who want to understand intelligence, build intelligent machines, and have a side interest in understanding how the brain works.
This probably why I'm drawn mostly to Reinforcement Learning as well as the theoretical aspects of Machine Learning.
I currently work as a freelance full-stack web developer, taking advantage of the time flexiability to deepen my studies in AI.
- HTML - Jade - Haml - Erb
- Design Responsivo (Mobile First)
- CSS (Stylus, Sass, Less)
- Css Frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation)
- Javascript (Design Patterns, Testes)
- NodeJS
- AngularJS - ReactJS
- Grunt - Gulp - Yeoman
- Git
- Python
- MySQL - MongoDB
- Scrum and Kanban
- TDD e Continuous Integration